Candidate for the position of ANUSA Elections - NUS Delegates

Image for Christian Flynn

Christian Flynn (Grassroots ANUSA)

CW: mentions of SASH.

Hey! I’m Christian (he/him) and I would love to be one of your National Union of Students Delegates! The NUS has such potential to unite university unions in the pursuit of common goals, and if elected, I would seek to work with students from across Australia to bring greater pressure on university administrations and indeed state and federal government more broadly in the SASH space.

Beyond that, Grassroots ANUSA has committed to a range of policy ideas that prioritise students at all levels of student unionism. At the NUS, this means we always vote for what helps ANU and our students, not what faceless factions demand of us. If elected as your delegate, our entire team and I would consistently fight for what’s right.

Read more about what the amazing team at Grassroots ANUSA hopes to achieve here: