Candidate for the position of ANUSA Elections - NUS Delegates

Image for Wren Somerville

Wren Somerville (Climate Action for ANUSA and NUS)

Climate change is not going to be solved at ANU alone. The fight to free refugees or defeat the bigot bill will not be won in one city. We need a national body that can lead radical protest campaigns across every university campus in the country and beyond if we stand a chance to beat back on government attacks on students, workers, and the oppressed. That’s what the National Union of Students should be.

At the moment, though, NUS is dominated by the student groups of the Australian Labor Party, who have used it as a vehicle to cheerlead the Labor government or pad out their resume and network with politicians.

NUS needs more leftists and radicals to argue against this self-serving strategy, and turn NUS into an activist body that can fight the government, not kiss its arse. Vote Climate Action for NUS.