Candidate for the position of ANUSA Elections - NUS Delegates

Image for Sinead Winn

Sinead Winn (Stand Up for our Union)

Heya! I’m Sinead, I use she/her pronouns, and I’d love to represent you as NUS Delegate. 

Over the past year I’ve served on the NUS as both a delegate and on the National Executive, and in this time I’ve learnt first hand how the NUS works, how we can make it more accessible, and how to get wins for students.

I really do believe in the power of the NUS, and that’s why I’m committing to running strong, national campaigns around the climate crisis, cuts to courses and universities’ responses to SASH. It’s why I also want to be an experienced voice within the NUS to push the Federal Government to Lower the Age of Independence, and to take practical steps towards the return of compulsory student unionism.

I know how these systems work, and I have a long track-record of progressive activism - that’s how you know a vote for me won’t be a waste!